Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Among the set of possible questions you would expect to be asked post-intimate relations, is the element "You don't have homework [due tomorrow], do you?" included? If so, then congratulations! Or condolences, maybe. You are ready to become a math major. Unlike me, apparently.

So apparently this whole Marshall scholar thing comes with benefits. Since I'm going to math bio at Oxford, I figure I should have some bio. I emailed a bio prof, asking if I can get into one of his (full) classes (even if I'm lacking prereqs). First email I get back is a standard, "We have no space, but I'll put you on the list." Today, without any further response from me, I get another email from him telling me that I'm at the top of the list, how great mathematical modeling is, and how I'm welcome to sit in. I wonder if I'll be able to use my newfound powers for good, and resist the urge for personal benefit...


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